

Below are articles David Timis has written for various media outlets

Qatar Foundation: Finding Meaning in the Age of AI (2024)

Revista Cariere: Finding Meaning in the Age of AI (2024)

Rethink Romania: The future of work in the green economy (2024)

World Economic Forum: How could AI shape the future of career coaching?

World Economic Forum: How we can advance sustainable economies in developing countries hosting refugees

Qatar Foundation: Bridging the Divide Between Technologists and Policymakers

World Economic Forum: How to bridge the demand gap for tech freelancers in developing economies

World Economic Forum: How to regulate AI without stifling innovation

World Economic Forum: The future of work in the green economy

World Economic Forum: Europe needs a green skills revolution to fully harness solar and wind

LinkedIn: How to Find Fulfilling Work

Asia-Europe Foundation Blog: Building AI Skills for the Future of Work

Young Global Changers Blog: Building AI Skills for the Future of Work

ForbesBuilding AI Skills for the Future of Work

World Economic Forum: We need to talk about Artificial Intelligence

Dimeon: Cresterea Nivelului de Monitorizare a Angajatilor la Locul de Munca

Young Global Changers Blog: Online Learning for a New Higher Education

World Economic Forum: Deepfake democracy: Here’s how modern elections could be decided by fake news

Young Global Changers Blog: The Rise of Employee Monitoring in the Workplace

Forbes: The Rise of Employee Monitoring in the Workplace

AACSB: Online Learning for a New Higher Education

Chatham House: Future of Work

LinkedIn: The Future of Skills Post-COVID-19

LinkedIn: The Future of Jobs Post-COVID-19

LinkedIn: Deep-Fakes’​ Rise From Porn to Politics

LinkedIn: What is UBI and can it help counter COVID-19’s economic damage?

LinkedIn: COVID-19 & Digital Transformation

LinkedIn: Social Media & Democracy

LinkedIn: The Top 3 Tech Policy Issues in 2020 Toate instituțiile de învățământ ar trebui să aibă consilieri de carieră