On Video
Below are clips from David’s recent appearances in the news
Brussels Unplugged: AI at Work with David Timis (2025)
Skills Factory Podcast: The Great Shift 4.0: AI Impact on Education and Jobs (2025)
The GrowthPlug Podcast: The Future of Work: AI Expert Journey (2024)
The EdUp Experience Podcast: WISE Summit (2023)
Mangtas Nation: The Future of Education & Work (2022)
RIUF: Superputeri in era digitala (2021)
Spotmedia: Singur la Davos (2021)
TechTalk: How the Workforce Will Develop in the Future (2020)
SolveCast: Solving the Future of Work (2020)
AACSB: Business Education’s Post-Pandemic Possibilities (2020)
Skills for Mars: The Future of Careers (2020)
TEDxLuxembourg City: Interview before my TEDx Talk (2019)
United Nations: Speech at the 54th Commission for Social Development (2016)
United Nations: Speech at the 70th General Assembly (2015)
Adevărul Live: Interviu cu reprezentantul tinerilor din România la ONU (2015)
Adevărul Live: Despre studii la Strasbourg, Glasgow, Nankai şi New Delhi (2014)